Advanced Art

Advanced Art

from $135.00

Wednesdays, 5:00-7pm

This is a semi-private, professional prep class for the committed and talented teen student. We focus on portfolio prep and seek out scholarship opportunities. Ms. Sue will demonstrate new mediums and techniques, coaching each student through a tailored program just for them. There may be a little homework and students must apply and be accepted into this small class. Ms. Sue has had many award winning students!

Cost of Class:

Once the student is accepted, please register on this website. If you prefer to not use PayPal, no problem, contact Ms. Sue directly for payment options. The class is offered for one school year, September through May and is a commitment for the full school year. The first semester is $540, which may be paid in 4 payments September through December. January through May is $675 which may be paid in 5 monthly payments.

Art supplies:

All supplies are not included. I will assess the supply needs of each student and create a list of needed supplies for each individual student. One student may want to focus on sculpting, another design and illustration. No need for supplies they aren’t interested in using.

Time commitment:

The class is once a week for 2 hours. There will be a little homework at times. Some projects are easier to work on at the studio so I try to accommodate by offering extra studio time at no extra cost. Students are encouraged not to miss class. Two absences per semester are excusable but if there are more than two they may be dismissed. Also, tardiness may be a reason to be dismissed from the class. Tardiness is disruptive to everyone and they will miss valuable information at the beginning of class.

What we are looking for:

Reliability, work ethic and commitment, focus, initiative, creative thinking and lastly, talent and skills. Yes, you read that correctly.

We wish you the best!

Purchase (after being accepted)

How to Apply:

• Email a one-page essay stating your goals and why you should be accepted into the program. For example, discussion points may include, how you wish to achieve more creative self expression, your ambition to develop a portfolio to enter an art school, or advance your drawing skills, etc.

• Submit by email a minimum of 3 recent art pieces, a maximum of 5. Skill is important but don’t disregard sketches since they communicate the creative thought process. 

• Fill out the application form, sign the contract and email to

Deadline for fall applicants is August 14th. There will be two independent judges of the art and essays. Acceptance letters will be emailed by August 15th

Email art and essay to Ms. Sue:

Good Luck!